Monday, July 23, 2012


     OK!! So I,m just an old fat man and I'm sure that no one will really care about what I have to say; but, from time to time, I just need to vent (just like everybody else).  This is my first blog.  This is my first posting.  I plan on not using any acromnyms or texting language that us old farts understand so don't expect a lot of lol's or AFGALF's (Acronyms For Government Agencies, Laws, or Forms).
     I plan on posting on things that stir me up in my daily life.  Some of my venting will come from the daily news or my contact with the government and may become political;but, probably not politically correct.  Remember - these are just the musings of an old fart and I'm not violent and if anything I say makes YOU feel violent, YOU PROBABLY NEED TO SEE SOMEONE!!

     I think I'm pretty centerist; however, I CAN get pretty passionate about my thoughts about some of my suggestions to fix things I think are "broken".  Some of my "suggestions" are a little radical.  Some may seem a (only a little) crazy;but, will always be harmless.  Some are meant to be humorous!  Some people never understand my sense of humor - and to those who don't understand, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings; but, - GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!! There are plenty of sites out there on the web where you can find things that won't upset your delicate nature.

     My first post is dedicated to those folks that have been affected by this past weekend's carnage at the opening of the new "Batman" movie.  My thoughts and prayers are with the families, friends, and anyone else affected by these horrific events.  I think we too often forget to include those on the finges of a trajedy like this.  There are family members and friends far away from Colorado that would like to be there to grieve with those that are able to be there.  There are employees of theatres and other businesses and even people that just watched on TV that are affected by events like these that feel that their feelings and fears are minimalized because they weren't "really involved".

     Our media has sure jumped on this one.  They have to "involve" this nimrod's entire group of family and anyone who has ever known, spoken to, or passed by on the street.  Leave these people alone.  It's not their fault.  Stop covering him and giving him the noteriety he wants.  Stick to the event.  Why make a circus out of every step he's ever taken  in his life?  Why give people not involved in the event underserved noterity just 'cause they might have known him at some point in his life.  I say that the media should make a decision to not even broadcast his name, or his family's name, or his school's name; or anything else about his person.  That's what he (they) want.

     Of course, the "crazies" want to jump on the "FIREARMS . . . . BAD" wagon.  Short and sweet..  BITE ME !1!!  Tell me what might have happened if someone trained and responsible had been armed in the theatre.  Of course they probably have one of those stupid "NO FIREARMS ALLOWED" signs on the front window and local, state, and federal laws about possessing and/or carrying firearms that this idiot obviously ignored so what good did they do? So he bought the guns and stuff legally - he didn't carry or use them legally. Our media would have us believe that gun control is the answer.  I wonder why they never talk about the statistics from the places where gun ownership has been "eliminated" or drastcally "restricted".  Very Simply - when they take away all of the guns, only the bad guys will have guns - and the bad guys may night be who you think!

     Again, I feel very sorry for the people affected by this - but let's not go off the deep-end thinking the government was meant to protect us from everything.  That's a very dangerous path

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